Academic, Career, and Leadership Achievements
We celebrate, highlight, and remain steadfastly proud of all our Moua families world-wide as they achieve and strive further for their academic, career, and leadership goals. Education of all levels and fields have opened doors for Moua families in many arenas of success. MUIC continues to champion all aspects of education, whether in higher education, trade schools, or career licensure. We are immensely proud of each and every single success and continue to work hard to be inclusive of as many as we are aware of. Please do submit information to us if you see anyone who is missing here that should be highlighted.
Diane Moua

Acclaimed pastery chef at Spoon and Stable for and Belcour, Diane is now the proud owner of Diane's Place, a Hmong fusion full service restaurant serving breakfast and lunch. When you are in Minneapolis, MN, give her cozy place a try. You'll love it!
Mee Moua
First Hmong American woman elected to a state legislature, Mee represented District 67 as a state senator before advancing to a number of highly esteemed positions, including former president and executive director of Asian Americans Advancing Justice.
Doua Moua
With his first role an an extra in Law and Order: SVU to being a supporting actor in Gran Torino as well as Disney's Mulan - Live Action, Doua is also a script write residing in New York City. Doua has had acting roles in many films and continues to work on future film initiatives.
John Moua, MD

John Moua, M.D. is board certified in pediatric pulmonology, and specializes in cystic fibrosis, asthma, chronic lung disease, recurrent respiratory infections, and valley fever. With his degree from University of California, Davis, his pediatrics residency at University of California, San Francisco, Fresno, he concluded his Pediatric Pulmonology Fellowship at University of California, Irvine.